Publications – Book publications

Book publications

Marc von Harten - Buchbesprechung

Criminal law for the medical profession

“Criminal law for the dental profession – a guideline for practising as a dentist” (currently only available in German)

This book has appeared in the series ZFV Praxisführung.


Scan einer Seite mit Rezension - Festschrift für Franz Streng zum 70. Geburtstag

Criminal proceedings in general

Review of “Festschrift für Franz Streng”

Specialist attorney for criminal law Marc von Harten reviewed the “Festschrift für Franz Streng zum 70. Geburtstag”


Publikation - Marc von Harten - Sinnvolles Schweigen, oder warum man nie voreilig zu Schuldvorwürfen aussagen sollte

Traffic offences

“When it pays to be quiet, or why you should never rush into responding to charges against you” (currently only available in German)

Expert interview with Attorney von Harten in the winter edition 2009 of MAINfeeling

Publikation - Marc von Harten - Fehler bei der Abrechnung mit strafrechtlichen Folgen

Criminal law for the medical profession

„Fehler bei der Abrechnung mit strafrechtlichen Folgen”

erschienen in der Deutsche Zahnarztwoche (DZW), Ausgabe 47/14

Other publications/general information

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Criminal proceedings in general

Juvenile criminal law – when, why, for whom? (currently only available in German)

Juveniles and young adults may also have to stand trial before a court of law. However, there are significant differences from criminal proceedings against adults.

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Criminal proceedings in general

The right not to testify as a witness and the right to withhold information in criminal proceedings

Witnesses have a duty to testify in court, in fact this is a civic duty …

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Traffic offences

When blood samples are inadmissible as evidence (currently only available in German)

Courts have repeatedly had to decide whether a blood sample is admissible as evidence or not …

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Traffic offences

You left the scene of an accident – now what? (currently only available in German)

Many people regard leaving the scene of an accident as trivial, but the law does not: leaving the scene of an accident is severely punished and can have serious consequences …

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Traffic offences

The 7 deadly sins in road traffic

and their far-reaching consequences …

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Narcotics law

The investigation aid of Section 31 narcotics Act – The crown witness rule in narcotics crime (currently only available in German)

§ 31 BtMG hat folgenden Wortlaut …

Criminal law for the medical profession

“Neue psychoaktive Substanzen und Arzneimittelstrafrecht”

erschienen in der StraFo 1/2014

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Criminal law for the medical profession

Bribery and corruption of doctors under health-insurance schemes in business transactions (currently only available in German)

The past few years in Germany have seen a number of corruption scandals reported in the media. Here we look at a typical constellation in conjunction with doctors under health-insurance schemes that could be of increasing importance in the future.

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Criminal law for the medical profession

Die Strafbarkeit des Arztes durch Abrechnung nicht persönlich erbrachter Leistungen

Mit Beschluss des Bundesgerichtshofs (BGH) vom 25.1.2012 (1 StR 45/11) hat jetzt auch das höchste deutsche Strafgericht die Problematik der Pflicht zur persönlichen Leistungserbringung aufgegriffen und eindeutig beantwortet …

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Criminal law for the medical profession

Causing death by negligence in the light of the criminal law responsibility of doctors (currently only available in German)

Criminal prosecution of doctors under the charge of causing death by negligence has shot up – not only in Germany – in the past few years …